Pupil Participation for School Improvement

This programme is for schools who believe fundamentally in the active participation of pupils across the school, not just a few token gestures that allow us to tick the consultation box. The programme will explore some of the ways in which effective primary schools engage their pupils in every aspect of their school experience.

Course Leader: Alan Curtis

Alan is an experienced teacher who has worked across primary and secondary schools in recent years to promote the ‘student voice’ and pupil participation. His expertise ranges across healthy schools, active citizenship, school councils, participation standards and charters, school linking, peer mentoring and much more - all with the expressed aim of placing the actively engaged learner at the heart of decision making.

Autumn 2009: Improving pupil participation in primary schools

What is it that effective primary schools do? Is participation just about filling in that section on the Ofsted SEF that asks about participation, or is it a fundamental principle about the wholehearted engagement of pupils in every aspect of their school experience? What are the developmental stages that schools go through and what are the practical things they do as they improve?

  • London Wed 23rd September
  • Birmingham Wed 30th September
  • Leicester Wed 16th September

Spring 2010: Making progress in participation - more than just ticking the box

What are the stages of improving participation practice that schools go through as they develop? What are the stages of participation competence that pupils go through as they grow through the primary years? What makes for good practice at different (st)ages?

  • London Wed 20th January
  • Birmingham Wed 27th January
  • Leicester Wed 13th January

Summer 2010: Effective primary school councils

Most primary schools now have school councils and these are as varied as schools themselves, ranging from token consultation groups of the privileged few to fully inclusive, democratic bodies that shape policy development. This event will explore the characteristics and practical arrangements of the most effective school councils.

  • London Wed 28th April
  • Birmingham Wed 5th May
  • Leicester Wed 21st April

The course content above is indicative of plans for the programme at this stage but may be modified slightly to better meet the needs of participants during the year.

One-off courses: It is possible for additional colleagues from participating schools to attend any course for £100. For schools who are not participating in Upward Trends, day delegate attendance on any single course is available for £150.

Your Upward Trends Tutor. In addition to the 3 courses above, participating schools will receive year-round support from a colleague with experience of supporting school-tailored improvement projects. This support includes a project workbook, recent relevant research resources, personal support through telephone, email, face to face sessions and electronic links to other schools on the programme.


Upward Trends, SDSA, Alliance House, 6 Bishop Street, Leicester, LE1 6AF